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H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Comprehensive Overview & Explanation

This is a comprehensive overview and explanation of H.R. 803, WIOA. On Wednesday, May 20, House and Senate Conferees approved and published on May 21 the compromise bill, H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which replaces the 1998 Workforce Investment Act, WIA, providing comprehensive change and updating... view more details

H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Key Improvements

This is a one-page list of key improvements in H.R. 803, WIOA. On Wednesday, May 20, House and Senate Conferees approved and published on May 21 the compromise bill, H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which replaces the 1998 Workforce Investment Act, WIA, providing comprehensive change and updating... view more details

14c Sample Survey Letter Draft

This example/sample letter can be used as a guide to form your own letter to businesses for Prevailing Rate Surveys. This document includes the revised survey attachment to obtain Experienced Non-entry level Rates. Never ask for the number of workers or the entry level rates. ... Login

14c-Audit of DOL Sec14

The USDOL Internal Audit Report on: THE WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION’S

29 CFR Part 525 Payment of Special Minimum Commensurate Wages FINAL Rule August 1989

29 CFR Part 525 Payment of Special Minimum Commensurate Wages

FINAL Rule August 1989

(Current as of May 3, 2017)


This is the final rule, without comments and discussion of the regulation providing for payment of special minimum commensurate wages to persons with disabilities who cannot... view more details

ALJ Decision Part 525 Petition for Review Magers-Steward-Felton v Seneca-ReAd 3Feb16 pg 1-30

The ALJ's order ruling the consumer workers were not disabled for the job based on his observation of them in the court room, not at work. The judge without cause or evidence of improper execution dismissed properly conducted time studies showing the petitioners were overpaid and disabled for the major... view more details

ALJ Decision Part 525 Petition for Review Magers-Steward-Felton v Seneca-ReAd 3Feb16 pg 31-60


The ALJ's order ruling the consumer workers were not disabled for the job based on his observation of them in the court room, not at work. The judge without cause or evidence of improper execution dismissed properly conducted time studies showing the petitioners were overpaid and disabled for the major... view more details

CMS 42CFR Parts 430-431-435-436-440-441-447 Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule 16Jan14

This final rule amends the Medicaid regulations to define and describe state plan section 1915(i) home and community-based services (HCBS) under the Social Security Act (the Act) amended by the Affordable Care Act. This rule offers states new flexibilities in providing necessary and appropriate services to elderly and disabled populations.... view more details

CMS Info Bulletin on Final Rule Home and Community-Based Services 5-Year Period for Waivers 10Jan14

Info Bulletin from CMS for the release of the Final Rule - CMS 2249-F – 1915(i) State Plan Home and Community-Based Services, 5-Year Period for Waivers, Provider Payment Reassignment, Setting Requirements for Community First Choice, and CMS 2296-F 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services Waivers 


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DOJ Opinoin Re Section 14c Programs and ADA Requirements

The US Department of Justice, USDOJ, submitted April 20, 2012, a "Statement of Interest" brief to the U.S. District Court, District of Oregon in Paula Lane, v. John Kitzhaber, Governor, regarding CRPs, "sheltered workshops," and the Americans with Disability Act, ADA. The DOJ... view more details

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